February ~ 10 ~23

February ~ 10 ~23

Come grocery shopping with me! :)

Ugh waking up early is hard! Today I woke up at about 7:30am after hitting the snooze button 3 times haha. I didnt have time to take a shower so, my hair is looking a lil crazy.

I had a semi productive day. I got to work at 8am and saw the moon still peaking out from last night. It was really pretty! I didnt want to do any work at all. After staring at my computer for an hour doing nothing, I finally mustered up the motivation to get some actual work done blah.

I went grocery shopping at Costco during my lunch and got some food for the week! My bf picked out some flowers for me for Valentines day too! I love the different shades of purples they are! <3

After work, we went to a team dinner for my bfs rugby team, to get ready for their game tomorrow. We had pizza YUMM!

We got home at around 7pm and the I pampered my kitties with unwanted kisses. I know they secretly love them lol. Then we watched some Netflix (Lockwood and Co.), played some Magic the Gathering, and went sleepy by! :)

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